Leaving a legacy for future generations.
Support Urban Impact In Your Will Or Estate Plan
Fill out the form below and we will contact you.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving is simply a planned donation that designates a part of an individual’s estate to a chosen charity. Below is a short list of options.
A Gift in Your Will
A gift in your will or living trust, continues your investment in the transformation of lives beyond your lifetime - and often allows you to make an even bigger impact than you ever thought possible. Whether you give a set amount or a percentage of your estate. (See sample form.)
Beneficiary Designations
Naming Urban Impact as a beneficiary of one of you assets, such as your retirement plan or life insurance policy, is a convenient way to share your God-given resources.
Charitable Gift Annuities
When you use cash or stock to establish a charitable gift annuity, you’ll receive secure, fixed payments for life for you and/or someone you choose. You will also receive tax benefits. After your liftime(s), the remaining balance will help bring lasting change to those in need.
If you are looking for a tax-smart way to share your blessings, consider a gift of stock. When you give appreciated stock that you’ve owned for more than one year, you can avoid capital gains tax and receive a charitable income tax deduction when you itemize.
Use your IRA
If you are 70 1/2 years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit Urban Impact and receive tax benefits in return. You can give any mount up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to Urban Impact without having to pay income taxes on the money. This option is know as a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) and is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover.
If you have already chosen to bless Urban Impact in your planning, thank you! We would love to hear from you and acknowledge your generosity in our records. You can reach us at dev@urbanimpactseattle.org or 206.722.2052. If you have any questions about the options above please let us know.
* We encourage you to consult with your attorney or financial planner to learn more about how your gift could reduce tax obligation while making a positive impact in breaking the cycles of poverty and transforming people’s lives for many years to come.